IWF Ramadhan Tafsir
Tafsir is an annual lecture that comes up during Ramadhan period. The Mufasir usually gives elaborate commentaries on the verses of the Qur’an. The Ramadhan Tafsir for this year 1434.H. starts on Yaomul Sabt, 4th Ramadhan ,1434 A.H.(Saturday 13th July, 2013). You cannot afford to miss this year's Tafsir!! It is Educative, Refreshing and Rewarding!!!
The objectives of this programme are to provide Muslims with:
- Deeper study of the Qur'an
- Preservation of the traditional mode of interpreting the Qur'an
- Deeper understanding of Islam
- Address emerging issues
- Constant engagement with the society
- To teach children Islamic knowledge and values during Ramadan
- To socialise and bond during ramadan picnic
ALLAH(SWT) would surely reward you as you make it a date with us!!!
View the live stream or past tafsir (YouTube)
Ramadhan 2022/1443 A.H
Every Saturdays & Sundays 10am - 12pm
Owoniboy's Building, Taiwo Road, Ilorin
Mufasir: Alhaji (Dr.) Yusuf Kolawole Jum'uah
Ramadhan 2022/1443 A.H
Every Saturdays & Sundays 10am - 12pm
Owoniboy's Building, Taiwo Road, Ilorin
Mufasir: Alhaji (Dr.) Yusuf Kolawole Jum'uah
Ramadan 13, 1442 (April 25, 2021)
Annual Ramadan Tafsir by Dr Yusuf Kolawole Jimoh.
6th Ramadhan, 1442 A.H.(Sunday April 18, 2021).
Annual IWF Ramadan Tafsir delivered by Dr Yusuf Kolawole Jumuah on Yaomul Ahad 6th Ramadhan, 1442 A.H.(Sunday April 18, 2021).
Ramadhan, 1434 AH Tafsir
4th Ramadhan, 1434 AH (13th July ,2013)
Ramadhan Tafsir [Audio]
(Yaomul Sabt, 7th Ramadhan, 1429A.H; Saturday, 6th September, 2008).
Ramadhan Tafsir [Audio]
(24th September, 2006).