
    The Islamic Panacea to Ethno-Religious Crises and Problem of Nationalism as Impediment to National Development in Nigeria (Download)

    Alawiye, Adegoke Naheem, alawiyenaheem@gmail.com,

    Abstract: This paper aims at adopting Islamic principles, based on the understanding of the Qur'an and Hadith of the Prophet, with the knowledge of history, to provide solutions to the problem of ethno-religious crises and implication of nationalism Nigeria. The salient of which would be of great advantage to understand the value of tolerance and create mutual love and unity, irrespective of religions or tribal affiliations, in order to stimulate peaceful co-existence among various religions, ethnicity, and individuals. The paper is library based which includes analyses of various Scholars' views in both primary and secondary sources. It has been observed that ethno-religious crises are part of major impediment of national development in Nigeria, caused by part of the implementation nationalism inherited from colonialism. However, religious praxis that will generate a cultural orientation of multi-religiosity, needs to be established in Nigeria and Islamic laid down principles of religious tolerance and peaceful co-existence would be a panacea, if can be properly adopted, to ethno-religious crises and nationalism problems. Thus, emphases should be made on tolerance, mutual co-operation and understanding of natural and human values, by the religious preachers and scholars, in order to eradicate crises and violence in the society.