
    Religion, Politics and the Islamic Panacea for Peaceful Co-Existence in a Multi-Religious Society: Nigeria as a Case Study (Download)

    Alimi Lawal Sikiru, alimilawal75@gmail.com,
    Yakub Olanrewaju Ayinla, yakola45@yahoo.com,
    Tijani Abdul-Lateef Aremu, ladeeb2019@gmail.com,

    Abstract: Nigeria is, undoubtedly, the most populous black nation and it is credited for being pluralistic among comity of nations. To this extent, Islam, Christianity and African traditional religion are the major creeds with large number of adherents in the country. Against the backdrop that religion has taken a position of importance in her nationhood, Nigerian politics is believed to be enmeshed in religious persuasions and divides, especially between Muslims and Christians. Although, both Islam and Christianity preach against any discrimination based on clan, creed, race, or religion, the spate at which agitations, nay, confrontations between adherents of these two major religions are taking the central stage is worrisome most especially on the choice of candidates in elections. What is more disheartening in Nigeria today is the climate of suspicion and phobia over the perceived Islamization agenda as propagated by many non-Muslims especially as regards the issue of Muslim-Muslim ticket by one of the major political parties. Consequently, this paper aims at exploring the views of Islam on peaceful coexistence among different religions and religious groups. The paper contends that the Prophet of Islam, as the best politician ever lived on earth, has made practical demonstrations of how religion and politics can be intertwined without any form of hindrance or friction. Qualitative methodology was adopted in the course of this research. The paper therefore concludes that the issue of Muslim-Muslim ticket among other political issues should not be a bone of contention among the adherents of both popular religions in Nigeria and that there is no heavenly religion that permits killing, discrimination, and total ownership of power.