
    The Content of Sheu Alimi Fondation's Bulletin Boards as a Catalyst for Political Tranquility in Ilorin Metropolis (Download)

    Mubarak A. Yusuff, almubaraklory@gmail.com,
    Barakat A. Adebayo, mubarakah8590@gmail.com,

    Abstract: The paper is a study of the contents of the bulletin boards places by Sheu Alimi Foundation for Peace and Development around Ilorin Metropolis. As the level of political radicalism in Nigeria is becoming worrisome by the day, seeing that some parts of the country still portray some level of tranquility within their demography motivates one to look around such locations to find out the factors responsible for such order. The aim of this paper is to deduce the moral lessons contained in the inscriptions quoted on the bulletin boards in Ilorin so as to see how that affects the thinking of the populace. Adopting the historical methodology, the source of each quote was exposed and the quote was analyzed based on the Qur'an and Sunnah. It was also found that the inscriptions consist of verses of the Qur'an, traditions of Prophet Muhammad ??? ???? ???? ???? and wise sayings of past Islamic Scholars. Our survey of people's reaction to the messages reveals that the inscriptions do not only serve as tools for raising the moral standard of the city's populace but also a fine way of employing Islamic intellectual traditions to catalyze political peace and stability in Ilorin, the Kwara State capital. It was also observed that most of the boards have been removed through people's activities while the writings on some are fading away already. The paper therefore recommends the rehabilitation and enhancement of the project in Ilorin and that such should be emulated in other cities of Nigeria.