
    Political Marginalization and Interfaith Relationship in Ekiti State (Download)

    Balogun Badrudeen Adesina, ,

    Abstract: Nigeria is a multi-religious nation with adherents of different religions holding on to different sets of beliefs, practices, languages and social systems. This diversity ostensibly results into two major problems namely; struggling for political relevance within the religious groups and the hostility emanating from competition between different social groups for wealth, power and political dominance. This work thus examines the politics and political marginalization of Muslims in Ekiti State and the roles played by other dominant religious groups in the peaceful co-existence of all the adherents in the State. Ekiti State is believed to be unique among all other States in Nigeria as a result of her monolithic nature in terms of culture and dialect. This should have been a great advantage towards unifying her members in all fronts. On the contrary the work found out that a session of the State complains of marginalization from political appointment and other benefits from the government circles. Democracy in Nigeria has always been a game of number, where the dominant group tends to have numerical advantage over the lesser ones in terms of employment opportunities and appointments or selection into political positions. As such, the weak ones are pushed out and the strong ones get hold on to power. It does recommend that democracy should be played in Nigeria the way it should be where the majority may be having their say but the minority should also have their way.