
    The Harmonization of Religious Beliefs for Peaceful Coexistence: The Role of Religious Institutions in Nigerian Politics (Download)

    Kareem Rasaq Akinfemi, krakinfemi@gmail.com,

    Abstract: It is a well-known tradition in Nigeria to attach religious sentiments when it comes to issues of governance. Meaningful personalities within and outside Nigeria are expressing feelings of disappointments over the incessant religious conflicts in Nigerian politics. It is saddened when other countries are struggling to make progress and improve their living conditions, Nigerians are busy discussing religious differences and bigotry. This study centrally discusses the harmonization of religious beliefs for peaceful coexistence in Nigerian politics, its causes and effects, with the aim of deducing how this has led to incessant conflicts among the adherents of various religions in Nigerian. The methodology adopted is historical. The information gathered were mainly from occurrences and occasions that were personally witnessed by the researcher and the works of scholars. This research is of the opinion that, it is the high time for religious leaders to rise up for the challenges and to maintain peace and order in Nigeria. There is decline moral education in the nation's educational institutions. Today places of worship (Mosques/Churches) are becoming breeding grounds for hemp smokers and nudity and other form of vices. This paper attempts to examine the mix governance and brilliant Islamic administration of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) both in Makkah and Madinah respectfully and that of his companions as a leave for the recommendable role of the religious leaders in harmonizing religious and social beliefs to out rightly forbids theocracy under the control of sponsored religion and to foster peace and unity in Nigerian governance through analytical methods.