
    Politics of Religion in Nigeria since 1999 (Download)

    Emmanuel O. Malomo, revmalomo@gmail.com,

    Abstract: Two major religions alongside others are practiced in Nigeria, namely Islam and Christianity. Religious politics is fast becoming the order in the country's political activities. Religion has been a strong determining factor for governance bureaucracy and the electoral process in Nigeria. Hence, the impacts of religion politics in Nigeria could be both positive and negative. This paper focuses on the positive and negative influences of religion on politics since the inception of the democratic government in Nigeria in 1999. Historical analysis method was embarked upon to access facts and authentic information. Findings show that politics of religion is detrimentally pronounced in Nigeria political activities. The research recommends ways of harmonizing the political interests of the two major religions for national development. The adherents of both major religions in Nigeria, Islam and Christianity, should seek the common good for peaceful co-existence and serene political atmosphere. In conclusion, there must be mutual understanding and common goal in the governance of the nation. Nigeria politicians and clerics should desist from the use of religion platforms to promote personal political interest. They should not be agents of disharmony in Nigeria.