
    Religion and National Development: An Islamic Perspective (Download)

    SALIU YISA, Saliuyisa70@gmail.com, +2348066340454

    Abstract: The study examines a historical account of the contributions of Islam to human, capital and national development. There is no doubt that Islam is not only a religion but a total way of life. Islam inculcates in its adherents uncompromised moral values, respect for human dignity and human life through adequate education and social responsibility. It has also contributed in no small measure in the area of education, health, agriculture, economy, diplomatic relation, social-psychology, security among others. These unparalleled contributions of Islam to national development are as a result of various Qur'anic verses that encouraged Muslims to research into space and earth. Islam is committed to upholding social justice, equity, fair-play and over-all welfare of people, regardless of religion and political affiliations, all of which helped a nation to grow. The main purpose of analyzing the contributions of Islam to national development is to correct bad impressions which the media and un-informed people might have painted Islam. The idea of using western education as a yard-sick to measure who is educated or not must stop in Nigeria. In thirteen century, Arabic and Islamic education had contributed immensely to national development six hundred years before the arrival of the white men into the country. Historical approach was used to achieve the aim of the study. The paper concludes that Arabic and Islamic scholars should be accorded their rightful positions in the scheme of things in Nigeria for their un-equal contributions to national development