
    Muslim Scholars' Participation in Nigerian Politics: Challenges and Prospects (Download)

    Sulyman Muhammad-Busayri, sulymamb@gmail.com,

    Abstract: Politics is an integral part of Islam that Muslim. Nigeria as a nation has been devising several tactics in governing the socio-political affairs of her citizens. In addition to the ethnic diversity, the religious landscape of the country has influenced the political configuration and divided the nation the more. Currently, there is political propaganda from both Christians and tyro Muslims who vehemently opposed the ruling party, APC which filed two Muslims in respect of the forthcoming 2023 Presidential Election. From Islamic perspective, it is obviously incredible that Muslims condemn their brothers for that matter, which is a pointer to contra-distinctive incongruousness of Islamic brotherhood. This calls for research on the Islamic worldview on politics and necessity for the Muslim scholars' involvement in the business to curb disunity among the Muslims. Historical and descriptive methods and library and interview tools are utilised. Findings revealed that majority of Muslims lack basic knowledge of Islamic politics, which is at detriment of Islamic brotherhood, the gap that could be filled by Muslim scholars. In conclusion, recommendations are made that Muslim scholars should perceive their participation in Nigerian politics as a religious clarion call and play pro-active roles at various political parties by activating certain strategic approaches as "informed politicians" chiefly to letting the Muslims see each other as one and ready to support themselves.