
    Islam, Justice and Religion Extremism in Nigeria: An Anatomy of The Impact of Religious Crises on Nigeria Development (Download)

    Edun, Abdulkareem Jimoh, edun.aj@unilorin.edu.ng,

    Abstract: Islam is a religion of Allah, a doctrine of peace that preaches peace and justice. Adam, the first human being created by Allah was ordained to maintain peace with himself and his environment and the generation and generation after him have been enjoined by the two holy books - Quran and Bible to follow suit in the path of peace and justice. Prophet Isa (ASW) and Prophet Muhammad (SAW) were for peace and justice. However, in this modern period, justice has eluded and continue to elude the present generation of human kind due the absence of justice in our daily activities. This paper attempts an analysis of nexus between justice and religious extremism with a view to assess the impact of this on development of Nigeria, using North East Nigeria as a case study. Adopting descriptive method of analysis, the paper sourced data from secondary source. Findings revealed that there is strong connection between injustice and religion extremism in Nigeria and it had impacted negatively on Nigeria development. That Nigeria political class has not only perpetuated injustice in social, economic and political distribution of the national resources, but they have also failed to mitigate in the religious injustice and thus unconsciously breeds religious extremism. The paper avers among others that necessary machineries needs to be put place to address this trend in other to allow for unmitigated development in the country.