Ali Abdu Giginyu,,
Nazifa Garba Shitu,,
Muhammad Ali Mutah,,
Islam can be described as complete and comprehensive way of life, the teachings of Islam cover all aspects
of life for example political, social, economic, religious and so on. The study intends to assess the impact
of Islamic extension educators on dissemination healthy habit information management and awareness
before, and beyond COVID-19 pandemic. The data was generated from Islamic source of Sharia and
scholar’s publication; Islamic Extension Education, Cause of pandemic in Islamic perspective, Islamic good
personal health habit management, disaster, epidemic and pandemic in the Qur’an, mitigation of disaster
management from Islamic perspective, disaster coping according to Islamic teaching, teaching of Islam
before, amidst and beyond disaster and pandemic etc. making the paper. The study revealed that the roles
of Islamic Extension Educators are vital to the societal living. Therefore, the study could serve as a
document and a guide to Islamic Scholars and Islamic Extension Educators in Nigeria. However,
recommendations have been made as: Muslim community leaders should collaborate with government to
organize effective and functional monitoring and evaluation team, overseeing Islamic preaching, Islamic
preaching should be based on actual teachings of Islam (way of Allah) with wisdom and good advice,
because there is no compulsion in religion, whoever wills, let him believe, and whoever wills, let him
disbelieve by Muslim scholars and it was also recommended for further study