Mukhtar Umar Dagimun,,
Pandemic is defined as an epidemic that is geographically widespread; occurring throughout a region or
even throughout the world. It can therefore be a township, regional, country, continent or global pandemic.
Prophetic medicine refers to the curative treatments and preventive medicine reported in the Prophetic
guidance and practice. This paper examines the role played by Tibb al-Nabawy in facing the challenges of
pandemic. Among other things, the Prophet (SAW) taught certain manners and procedures in dealing with
pandemic which include both theoretical and practical. Some of these preventive measures include
restricting of movement, keeping away from an infected patient, separating the healthy ones from the
unhealthy, preservation of health, seeking for divine intervention through supplication, among others. These
measures are considered so important in the maintenance and preservation of good health which the Prophet
(SAW) practiced and taught to his companions (RA). Considering the current trend of the global pandemic,
the paper highlights and emphasizes on significance of such measures as contained in Tibb al-Nabawy
(Prophetic medicine) in facing such challenges of global pandemic. The aim here is not condemn or
criticize the modern measures but rather to show the significance of Prophetic medicine in augmenting the
modern measures in order to strongly help face the challenge. In writing this paper, an analytical method is
employed in order to achieve its main objective