
    Islamic theocracy in practice (Download)

    Falilat Adenike Kelani, kelanifalilatadenike@gmauil.com, +2348028099099

    Abstract: Theocracy is a form of government in which a deity is the source from which all authority derives. Nigeria and the whole world have been a peace place if the ruler’s intention to rule is to serve people, guide and manage them harmoniously as Islamic theocracy applies. This paper focuses on the Islamic theocracy in practice using analytical method in dealing with meaning and concept of of theocracy, issues surrounding practicing Islamic theocracy, advantages of Islamic theocracy in contemporary, worth of Islamic theocracy over other theocracies, merit and demerit of Islamic theocracy. It is later discovered that putting Islamic theocracy into practice is the best option with the principle and guidelines using the Qur’an and the Sunnah. There will be peace, harmony and total tranquility in any nation that practice it.
    The paper conclude and came up with recommendations that practicing Islamic theocracy is the best.