
    Global Politics and Muslim Unity in Nigeria (Download)

    YUSUF ALI LLM, FCIArb. (UK) , ,

    Abstract: Islam like Christianity has a very large number of adherents all over the world. Politics and religion are entwined. In Nigeria, religion plays a great and very significant role in politics and in many instances; it can dictate how the outcome of an election into political offices would be. It is undoubted that Muslims around the world are experiencing crisis especially bothering on disunity. So many Islamic sects and societies have sprung up over the years with different doctrines and teachings. At the global level, we have Sunnis and Shiites at the forefront of the disunity which is not unconnected with the problem of global politics. Other sects like Tijaniyyah, Qaudiriyyah and Amadiyyah are very pronounced in Nigeria. Islamic societies such as Muslim Students Society of Nigeria (MSSN), The Muslim Congress (TMC), NASFAT, Qureeb etc are not left out in this problem. The Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs was established to among other things, regulate the conducts of the Muslim groups in the country and foster unity among them. But disunity is still unabated. This paper exa mines global politics and its effect on the unity of Muslims in the world and particularly in Nigeria. The paper will further examine the role of the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs in fostering unity among the various Muslim groups. The paper concludes that the body, like its counterpart, Christians Association of Nigeria has impact in the country’s politics and has struggled for self-reliance and acknowledgment whenever issues of national concern arise. The question now is: has the body been able to achieve its objective of uniting Muslims in Nigeria? The paper will provide an answer to the question and thereafter recommend solutions on how unity can be achieved among the Muslims in Nigeria and in the world.